Welcome to Guilded.TS. You may be wondering on how to make a Guilded Bot using Guilded.TS. Well you're in luck because this Guide will cover on how to make a simple Guilded bot with our official framework!
This Guide will be covering the following:
Before you begin
The Guilded bot API is currently in early access, so you will need approval of a Guilded staff member to gain access.
Making a Guilded bot may be cool and all, but there are some things you should take into mind before getting started. To make a Guilded Bot using Guilded.TS, you should have a fairly good understanding of the JavaScript language itself. Although making a Guilded Bot with Guilded.TS should'nt be to hard, trying to do so will just leave you with syntax and errors you may not understand.
If you want to learn JavaScript, we recommend the following links:
After you have got a good grasp at JavaScript, feel free to come back here to continue the Guide.
Inspired by the Discord.JS Guide.